Sunday, July 8, 2012

An emotional week at Crowell Library

Today at MBI's Crowell Library was a scavenger hunt! No, not the kind with chocolate eggs and candies--it was a hunt for missing books. There is a list of about twenty pages of missing books! It made my heart sad to think of all those lonely books searching for a home on the shelf. Basically what happens is the books have accidentally been placed in the wrong section. With the Dewey Decimal system everything is labeled with a letter and then a grouping of numbers according to the book's contents. Because there are so many numbers it is easy to accidentally mix and match and misplace. So unfortunately, these little lost books have a home in the wrong neighborhood of the shelf! It was my job to brainstorm how one might mix up these numbers! So for example if the call number is M288---etcetc I would search the neighboring shelves, and in the area of 282, 820, 280, 822, etcetc. Unfortunately, on today's scavenger hunt no books were found and it grieves my heart to say--that is the usual. 
After the sad event of no found books--I went to a place where library happiness can always be found: "Last Updated On 7-3-12." aka the free shelf! The free shelf was updated mere days before I came to volunteer and my oh me were there goodies to be found! There was an abundance of old Sunday School flannel graph materials and I took almost all of them! Pictured below is my favorite find. I'm not sure if they were supposed to be "together" but I thought it appropriate to keep them together forever!
So this week was filled with mixed emotions--but as always a pleasure! And with Chicago summer weather--the air conditioned library is a glorious place to be!

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