Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Dear Blogosphere and MBI Crowell Berry Patrons,

All my volunteering has paid off! Literally! (lololol) Today is officially my second day of work here @ MBI Crowell and with the help of Rachel Gliebe and Amy Koehler, I'll (mainly) be taking on the work load for ADA/Kurzweil! Along with dabbling at the information desk and doing some weeding--which we all know I will be more than thrilled to do! Speaking of weeding, thanks to the free shelf I now have wonderful material for greeting cards (as shown below). Thankfully these pamphlets were weeded not just because I'm a selfish art hoarder of all things collagable &free, but because I'm pretty sure Jesus did not go to church, he was not just a "special teacher" and he was totally not just a humanitarian! (as well as other ideas promoted by these publications!) BUT we will leave a theology of children's sunday school materials for another day! hahahaha is there even a theology of children's sunday school materials? Alas, a different Q for a diff day! //sigh

On a more "technical" note today I explored the online database of:

Well more like how to access these abstracts! I decided to search "John Howard Yoder" within the Religious & Theological Abstracts and started reading through some of the blurbs. I chose one article that seemed of particular interest from the Journal of Religious Ethics called "The Politics of YHWH: John Howard Yoder's Old Testament Narration and Its Implications for Social Ethics" by John C. Nugent. Can you guess what side I'm on for a group debate regarding a biblical theology of war? hahaha Because this is an abstract it is necessary to find the actual article! So now we venture over to the A-Z database list-- and click on the "titles" tab! (P.S. The A-Z List is the best way to scour the online world of electronic journals)
According to my search! ATLA has the journal I'm looking for and the issue (March 2011) BUT it is "Embargo: 5 years"--AKA the full text of my 2011 article is not available due to copyright/legal. So for now it is a no go! No need to bummerdrag for long, because Academic Search Premier has come through with an "Embargo: 1 year" AKA I can read the article in full text! Not hard right?? AND NOW YOU DON'T HAVE TO TYPE IN RANDOM WORDS TO ATLA'S SEARCH ENGINE trying to find a good article. Go to the Religious & Theological Abstracts and give it a whirl! Abstracts work wonders if you're looking for efficient research!

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